Updated September 9th, 2024.
The 2024 NFL schedule is out, and it’s super-helpful to know who’s playing and when, so you can make plans. It’s even more useful to have that information displayed within the Calendar apps on your iPhone and iPad and Mac so you don’t have to cross-reference some website with the rest of your work and social life, which most likely is stored in your Calendar app.
For me, it’s especially nice to have the prime time NFL games on my calendar. Those are the ones I want to watch. You’d think you could go to NFL.com and download a prime time schedule, but you’d be wrong– it’s not there!
So I made my own, partly by hand, partly by AppleScript, and here it is. Thursday Night, Sunday Night, and Monday Night– all of those games are here.
Update 5-15-2024: I have the 2024 Prime Time games in the calendar already. Our process is getting better (and faster) every year.
(Yes the screenshots are from last year but I will catch up on those sometime soon. The important thing is the calendar is updated!)
Update 9-9-2024: By popular demand I have created another calendar with all of the NFL games. That’s 272 games. iPhone and Mac users should use this link. Google Calendar users should use this link. This article has detailed instructions if you need them. Keep reading.
Note: when playoffs come around I will add those games to the calendar. Also, I have a few extra, non-prime-time games on the schedule: the two early Thanksgiving Day games, and the two early Christmas Day games.
Want the NHL Playoffs Calendar? Here it is. Want the NBA Playoffs Calendar? I have that too.
Adding the 2024 NFL Prime Time schedule to your Mac’s Calendar app
If you’re using a Mac, you can get the 2024 NFL Prime-Time schedule in a couple of clicks by clicking here.
You’ll get a box like this (you may also see something about “Do you want to allow this page to open ‘Calendar'” which you should say “yes” to):

Don’t change anything. Just click Subscribe, and you’ll see a box like this:
You will probably want to make some changes here. You can change the name of the calendar, the color of the calendar (I chose green). You can change the Location of the calendar (if I were you I’d change “On My Mac” to your iCloud account because then it will show up on your iPhone and iPad too). You can remove the alerts and attachments (I would do that), and I would tell it to auto-refresh every day, in case the schedule changes as it often does with late-season Sunday Night games.

Here’s how it looks in your Mac’s Calendar app.
If you start with the Mac, and you set the Location to your iCloud account, and if your iPhone and iPad are signed into the same iCloud account as your Mac, you will see the calendar on your iPhone and iPad automatically. It looks like so:
Whether on the Mac or on the iPhone, the games all start with a little football icon to help you pick them out of a busy schedule.
Of course you can tap the link for the 2024 NFL Prime Time Calendar using your iPhone, and add it to your iPhone’s calendar in just a few clicks. However, if you add the calendar to the iPhone first (before the Mac), it will NOT give you the option to save it to your iCloud account, and therefore it will not show up on your Mac. You’ll have to add it to your Mac yourself. My advice: add the calendar to your Mac first so you only have to do the work once.
Adding the NFL Prime Time Schedule to your Google Calendar
Not an iPhone user? Or, not an Apple Calendar app user? Here’s how you add the NFL Prime Time schedule to your Google Calendar, using a browser.
This is easy: click the special Google Calendar link to subscribe.
This SHOULD take you to your own Google calendar, in your browser, and you should be asked whether you want to add the NFL Primetime calendar. Of course you’ll click the “Add” button.
When you’re done it should look like this:
In the Schedule view you can see a lot more:

Final thoughts
In case you’re wondering: YES, the calendar will show the game times using your time zone. That is, a game that starts at 8:20 PM Eastern will show up as 8:20 PM Eastern if you are currently in the Eastern Time zone, as 7:20 PM if you’re in the Central Time zone, as 6:20 PM if you’re in the Mountain Time zone, and as 5:20 PM if you’re in the Pacific Time zone. (It works for all the time zones, not just the ones in the United States.) And YES, if there’s an adjustment to the schedule I will update it here and you’ll see the update soon enough on your own devices. Also YES, if you subscribe to this calendar and do literally nothing after that you will see NEXT YEAR’S NFL PRIME TIME SCHEDULE magically appear, sometime next May.
To the best of my knowledge this is the only NFL Prime Time schedule of its kind, so please share the calendar (and this post) with your friends. And can you believe it: this is our 16th season. I first made the calendar in 2008.
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.Did this article help you?
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Thanks much Chrisitian for doing what you do! Very helpful info!
You’re very welcome. Scott Crevier should get most of the credit for the NFL calendars– I just FOUND them.
Anything else you’d like me to write about? Let me know.
THANKS! from, Kris
LOVE IT!!!! And, your directions are spot on!!!
Thank You!
Super! Tell a friend, it helps your friend and it helps the blog too.
Thanks a bunch for this! I was able to set it up on my Mac with no issues. The google calendar settings don’t give me a public ical address for the iphone though. I only see the first two links. Is this something they changed?
Hi Omar. Did you click “Integrate Calendar” in the Google Calendar page, in a browser?
I get an error when using the public URL from the Integrate calendar section of google: The data downloaded from https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=hlbkof79618n95tqm3j19kqldtbo0b0t%40import.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FLondon isn’t valid.
Give it another try. The calendar’s been updated and so has the link.
Thanks for this. However, there is no “Public address in iCal format” option for the NFL calendar when I do this (there are iCal private/public links for my personal Google calendar, just not the added calendars). I’m so close to making this work . . .
Contact me directly and I’ll help you with this. macman@christianboyce.com.
Hi Christian, I am trying to add the NFL Post Season to my iPhone and iPad. In the Integrate calendar page, there is no URL for an iCal calendar.
Did Google change something? Is there a workaround?
The change comes from the creator of the calendar, southendzone.com. He is only allowing connections from Google calendar. We can work around it:
Subscribe to the football calendar via Google (in a browser). Then, go to this page:
There, you can indicate that you want to show the football calendar in your Google section of Apple’s Calendar. Turn it on in Calendar on your iPhone or Mac and I think it will automatically show up on your other devices.
It works for me and others so it should work for you too!
Thanks so much for the help. Cannot wait for the football season to start.
You’re not the only one!
I misunderstood your question when you asked it, but I can tell you that YES Google changed something. There’s no more “URL for iCal” like there used to be. I had to change my entire article! Thanks Google.
WoW! So cool 🙂 Downloaded the entire NFL schedule – Sweet …Uhhh I did find (example) New Orleans at Oakland … Uhhhh My Raiders are Las Vegas now, not Oakland … Nice Job – Thanks again!
Good point about Oakland. We’ll have to ask Scott about that.
Thanks for the detailed and easy to understand step-by-step instructions – worked like a charm! Game on!
You’re welcome! Looking forward to seeing some games this week!
This worked perfectly! Thanks so much for the detailed advice. I needed all the steps!
Awesome, and not a moment too soon!
Tell a friend!
Not working in my Google calendar in Firefox. Copied the link, made a new calendar, not showing anything.
used this: https://www.southendzone.net/schedule/eagles/
also tried: https://www.southendzone.net/schedule/eagles.ics
any ideas?
Thanks for your help. When I got your correct URL address to use, everything went just like you showed!
That’s good to hear. I will see if I can make the instructions a little more clear. Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you for this. I’m trying to find some way to get the calendars showing on my iPhone and iPad onto my PC (icloud.com/calendar/ – I’m using iCloud for PC) but so far I can only get the stock calendars showing. Home/Calendar/Work.
Hi Reid. If I’m understanding correctly, you are looking at your iCloud calendars by going to a web page (iCloud.com) on your PC. And you don’t see the calendars you added to your iPhone and iPad. Have I understood the situation? If so, bad news: the calendar at iCloud.com does not show subscribed calendars.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUU! While ESPN calendars DO work – they only let you add schedules by team – for fantasy nerds like me, having the FULL SCHEDULE integrated in my iPhone calendar is essential so THANK YOU. AGAIN! I would share it on facebook but I stopped using that portal to hell years back.
Hey, that’s great! Good luck with your fantasy team(s).
Thanks for your help with this over the years but it Looks like South end zone shut down for good. Any thoughts on alternatives?
Wow, that’s bad news! We do have team-by-team schedules from ESPN. Will that do it for you?
Yes that will be the default but I loved the SEZ prime time schedules. Let us know if you ever see that anywhere else
I sure will. The original Prime Time schedules were actually created by me: I used AppleScript to work through SEZ’s full NFL schedule, and pulled off the ones that started after 4 pm Pacific Time. Scott at SEZ added that calendar a few years later and got me off the hook for doing that work… but now, if I can find a full schedule, I might just do it again. We have a few months to get this arranged… if you happen to find a full schedule but not the Prime Time one let me know and I’ll see about pulling out just the prime time ones. The only problem with that is it’s not “live” so if a team gets flexed into a Sunday Night game I’ll have to manually adjust. Which I can do.
Pat, I made the NFL Prime Time Calendar. I haven’t finished the blog post about it, but the calendar is ready. Try this:
If it works for you we are all set. Let me know.
REALLY hope you pick up this work. I was a HUGE fan of SEZ calendars. They’re already missed as it would even include big offseason dates.
If I can get the data in a good format I’ll at least give it a look.
Same here, found out about those NFL prime time schedules and really loved those and those were the most useful ones to me. Would be thrilled if these were picked up by this site!
if I can get the schedule in a way that is fairly neat and clean I will at the least get the prime-time schedule out. I want that prime-time calendar, same as you! So I’ll probably do it. I think the schedule comes out next month. I’ll be watching for it.
Kit, I made the NFL Prime Time Calendar. I haven’t finished the blog post about it, but the calendar is ready. Try this:
If it works for you we are all set. Let me know.
Wow you did it! This is fantastic… just added it to google calendar (which I have setup to sync to Fantastical on iPhone/Mac etc) and it works perfectly! Don’t want to be overly dramatic but I’m so darn happy to see these, just makes life so much easier when you’re busy but still want to drop in and watch a prime time game whenever possible. I also like that you included the network the game is on so there is no need to search for that. Seriously thank you!
As an aside, I first found this site when looking for the sports calendars but I’ve since found quite a few useful articles that have been pretty helpful.
Messages like yours make my day! Glad you found what you needed. I built that calendar originally because I couldn’t find it anywhere else. I had a feeling someone else would like it! Please share the article with whomever– Facebook, Twitter, anywhere.
You’re still linking to ‘thesouthendzone’ as of May, but they are no longer ‘LIVE’.
Any alternatives you might be able to provide ??
Read a little further! I made my own calendar. The link is in the article. I kept Scott’s southendzone.net link in there just for old time’s sake. Use my calendar now (Prime-Time only). If you’re still stuck I’ll send you the link directly. Are you bringing the calendar into an iPhone and using the built-in Apple Calendar app, or are you using Google’s calendar? I can help you either way.
While we wait for the NFL to start again you might enjoy the NBA Playoffs… and I have a calendar for that too. https://christianboyce.com/nba-playoffs-calendar-for-iphone-and-mac/
Looking forward to getting the full 2021 NFL schedule. I was subscribed to SEZ for many years and miss the full schedule!
I think the best option is the ESPN calendars, although they don’t have the full NFL calendar in one calendar. They have one calendar per team so you can pick and choose– or choose them all. SEZ was awesome, I agree!
Looking forward to seeing the full 2021 NFL schedule! I was a long time subscriber to SEZ!
Thank you for taking the time to put this together for us. Much appreciated!
You’re welcome. Glad you like it!
If you have suggestions for making the calendar better just let me know.
Hello Christian I am trying to add the 2021 NFL schedule but gives me an error: There was an unexpected error with the request on subscribed calendars (error -1).
This sounds like the same problem we began to see with the NBA Playoffs calendar. It seems to be an iCloud issue. I will solve it the same way, which is to say I’ll make a copy of the calendar and put it on Google Calendar. You’ll be able to add it just fine. Give me a day or two to get this fixed. Thanks for pointing out the problem and sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Christian….. thanks for doing this. I also miss Scott’s work. For the Google link, webcal should be replaced with https – at least that what I had to do to get it to work. Do you have the full schedule, not just Prime Time.
Thanks for this. Are you adding the calendar to Google Calendar so you can see it in a browser? Or in an app? I don’t have the full schedule but I think you can get it at ESPN.com if you poke around–
Hi Christian,
When trying to add the calendar to Google Calendar, it gives me the error message:
“Import failed
Sorry, webcal://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/k5lds7alfjq035j6fqg46qkiu0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics is not a valid URL.”
Try changing “webcal” to “https”– let me know how it goes. If it works I’ll change the blog post. Thanks for the note.
Yup, both
worked! Thanks!That’s great. Glad to hear it. Thanks for testing.
Adding in the browser version of google Calendar
Terrific. Glad it works for you!
This is awesome, so glad you are continuing with this. I have your prime time schedule synced via Google Calendar and It’s up and working great for me.. thank you!
Excellent! Glad you like it. Tell a friend!
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much!
That’s awesome. Great game last night to open the season!
this was so quick and easy! thank you christian boyce
Glad to hear it! Tell a friend!
Hello! What if I just wanted to add a single team’s calendar to my iOS Calendar and not the NFL PrimeTime calendar. I have been able to do this for an NHL team I follow from the NHL site. Does the NFL do the same type of thing?
Try this link: https://espn.calreplyapp.com/nfl
It will look as if you’re about to add the entire NFL schedule at first but you narrow it down to one team in the second step.
This is great! Thanks!
Hi Christian, I tried to install it on my android phone, but I could not.
Do you have a google account?
What happens when you try to add the calendar?
Thank you for doing this. Wish I had found it sooner. Scott did a great job for so long. Would love to see this continue in the future. It should be supported.
I plan on keeping it going. I originally made it for myself, then realized that others would benefit, so I shared it and wrote the blog post. I am sure that I’ll be doing it next year, and the next, etc.– at least until it’s available from someone else (like the NFL itself).
Glad you like it.
This is awesome! Thank you. Is there a calendar for the Sunday daytime broadcast games that you can recommend?
Hi Fangirl! Glad you like the calendar. ESPN has calendars at this page: https://espn.calreplyapp.com/nfl, but those are “per team” and not necessarily the games that are on TV. Still, possibly interesting. I see that the NFL has the full schedule, week by week, showing networks, but with multiple games going at the same time there’s no telling which one you’d see at your location. However, if there was enough interest, I could build that calendar. Here’s an example page:
Thank you! This made adding NFL events to our restaurant events so easy. However, do you have a calendar for games on that start at 1PM EST or earlier than 4:00PM PST (Sunday afternoon games)?
I don’t, but I can try to make that for you. Send me an email directly and let’s get this rolling. macman@christianboyce.com.
Thanks for this resource Christian! Were you able to put together a version with games at other times? Thanks!
I haven’t done that yet but since so many people are asking for it I am going to do it asap. I’ll update the web page to let you know how to get the full schedule.
Loving the prime time NFL schedule as well as the rest of your site… thank you for keeping up with this!
Awesome! And you’re welcome!
Hello Christian,
I just wanted to leave a big THANK YOU for your continuous work to bring us the NFL schedule reliably on our devices. I have been using your calendar for years now and I am very happy with it.
Best regards from Germany!
That’s great! Thanks Tobi. Glad you like the calendar.
Hi some thanks from the Netherlands. Great agenda. Thanks for that 🙂
The NFL Prime-Time calendar goes international! Great stuff.
You are awesome! Do you plan to do this for the 2023 season?
I certainly do. Until someone else does it better I’ll keep doing it. Partly because I want it too!
Hi Christian, just wanted to say that I really appreciate that you’re doing this for the upcoming 2023 season. Your calendars are fantastic and adding the Thanksgiving Day games, and the two early Christmas Day games etc, are a really nice touch!
Thanks Tim! That’s really nice of you to let me know. Tell a friend about the calendar (share it on whatever platform(s) you use). The more the merrier.
THANK YOU! Android is the red headed step child to Apple but I love my Samsung 23 Ultra note but can’t find this anywhere! Made my season.
Google calendar doesn’t send me to anything I can add to my calendar 🙁
We should be able to make it work. Copy the Google calendar link on the blog post (or use this– same link): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=azVsZHM3YWxmanEwMzVqNmZxZzQ2cWtpdTBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
Then, go to your Google Calendar (on a computer, at calendar.google.com) and add the calendar “From URL.” Paste in the link. You’re done. And, you will see it on your phone as well once you add it on the computer.
Hi, did you also make these Mac calendars for the individual NFL teams? I’m looking for the Steelers. I prefer your calendars because they include the network as part of the title. Please let me know. Thank you so much!
I only did the Prime Time games (Thursday night, Sunday night, Monday night) with a few exceptions like games played on Saturdays. Also playoffs. You can get the schedule for any team from ESPN:
First you click “Add to Calendar” and THEN you pick the team you want.
You’ve done great work, clearly. Is there a way to just get all the games in one calendar? I can do the individual ones from NFL but that results in a bunch of duplicates.
If I had a source for the game listings I would make a calendar for you… the NFL is not all that friendly about this, you’d think they’d make a calendar for the iPhone etc. themselves.
This site http://www.mysportscal.com/download-major-league-schedules/nfl/ might have what you want, saving me a lot of work…
This is absolutely perfect. Thanks Christian
Glad you like it!
My games are listed on my Gmail calendar as starting one hour earlier than they actually are. Any way to fix?
The calendar respects your time zone settings of it depends on your time zone settings. In Google Calendar (on a PC or a Mac) click the gear to get to the settings and see which time zone your calendar thinks you are in.
Outstanding…you the man!
You’re missing a game in week 16 on Sat, 12/21: PIT @ BAL, 3:30 pm CST
I’m not missing it anymore, thanks to you!
thank you this is awesome!
You’re welcome. Glad you like it!
Christian, I do like the Prime Time NFL 2024 Schedule for Mac and I did subscribe to it. My question, do you have a calendar for all NFL 2024 games?
Hi Paul. I don’t make the calendar you’re asking about, but through Google Calendar you can get calendars for each team… so you’d have to subscribe to 32 calendars, but it’s as easy as checking boxes, all in one place. If you need help let me know. It’s in the “Other Calendars/Calendars of Interest” section.
The schedule I downloaded shows games for 2023 and not 2024? Do I have the wrong link?
Hi Aly. If you “subscribed” then you should see games for 2024, and 2023, and 2022, etc. I see Ravens at Chiefs on September 5th 2024 (opening night). What do you see for that day?
I’d like to import the link (either mac or google) into my outlook for reference- can you show a link to a downloadable copy of either calendar so I can use to import into MS Outlook? Clicking on both the current links takes directly to the source with no option to download.
You calendars are great! I use the baseball calendar too. However, I noticed that your calendar does to have all games for the day. Specifically, there are three games on Sunday, September 8 and the calendar only reflects one. Did I do something wrong when I subscribed?
You did everything right. But, the Prime Time calendar is just… Prime Time games! So you’re getting what you’re supposed to be getting (Monday Night, Sunday Night, and Thursday Night games). But… by popular demand I am creating an “NFL All Games” calendar and if you check back with me in a day or two I should have it for you.
Thanks so much! I tape the games for my husband, so your calendars are super helpful. Looking forward to the new schedule!
I created an “NFL All Games” calendar and added links on my webpage https://christianboyce.com/nfl-schedules-and-calendars-for-iphone-mac/. Check it out and let me know how you like it.
This is great! I didn’t realize that many games played at the same time on Sundays – makes it much easier to choose the ones to tape. Thanks so much for creating this!
You’re welcome. It does clutter up one’s calendar but we don’t have a lot of other appointments on Sundays so I guess it’s OK.
Amazing! Even for me, from Ukraine, it`s really useful! Thanks a lot!
That’s terrific. Hopefully the game times are right for you– the calendar app should take care of it.
Thanks you, great job. I can follow all the games from the Netherlands because your calender