Use ChatGPT to Quickly Create Images

It might not be “art” but it sure is fun to create images with ChatGPT. Here are some examples:

Images created using ChatGPT 4

These were all created by ChatGPT, and they were all done very quickly (under a minute each). Here’s how you do it.

First, you have to be using at least ChatGPT 4. ChatGPT 3.5 can’t do it. It will try but fail. Technically ChatGPT is passing the job to the image creator Dall-E, which you only get with ChatGPT 4 or higher.

Start by letting ChatGPT know what you’re looking to do. For example:

Getting started with image creation with ChatGPT
Getting started with image creation with ChatGPT

That led to this image:

Pop Art created by ChatGPT 4
Pop Art version

Pretty good! I subsequently asked it to make other versions by typing things like “Can you make me an impressionist version?”

Asking ChatGPT for variations
Asking for variations
Impressionistic version of the image, as rendered by ChatGPT

Pretty good, but I thought the armadillo was too big so I asked ChatGPT to make it smaller.

Asking ChatGPT to modify the image
Asking for modifications
Revised impressionist version of Texas landscape by ChatGPT
Impressionism with smaller armadillo

Very close. But the longhorn color didn’t seem right. And you’ll notice that the image keeps changing, even when I only ask ChatGPT to change things just a little. This is the way it goes.

Another suggestion
Final impressionist image of Texas landscape by ChatGPT
The final impressionist image

Looks good to me! On to Cubism.

Asking about Cubism
Asking about Cubism
Cubist version of the Texas landscape, by ChatGPT.

Pretty good, but I should have noticed the horns that shouldn’t have been there on the armadillo. This kind of thing happens from time to time (too often, really). There is plenty of nonsense in ChatGPT/Dall-E images so you have to keep your eyes open for that.

Here’s the image, in a Fauvism style. All I had to do was ask.

Fauvism version of the Texas landscape, by ChatGPT.

Finally I asked for a mural.

Asking ChatGPT for a mural
Asking for a mural
Texas mural on the wall, with armadillo and longhorn and cactus, by ChatGPT.
A mural on a wall. Not bad.

Each image has a little “download” button on it at upper right in ChatGPT (move the mouse up there and you’ll see) and you can click it to download your image. It comes in as a “.webp” image (look for it in your Downloads folder or wherever downloads go on your Mac). Your Mac will open it with the Preview app. From there you can do an Export… to a more common file type such. as JPEG or PNG. Then you can do whatever you want with the image (and you do own it– ChatGPT says so).

Sometimes the images are good, but not great. For example, in the mural above I should have asked for the bricks to show through a little (and I might not have gotten it, because sometimes ChatGPT doesn’t follow directions). But it’s easy enough to do myself with Photoshop (or better yet, Pixelmator Pro).

For example:

After human editing
Better, with a little human editing

Here’s another example: I’d asked ChatGPT to make me a square image, cut into quadrants, with a different image in each square. Here’s what ChatGPT gave me:

Four-Pane Texas Pop Art, by ChatGPT
Four-Pane Texas Pop Art, by ChatGPT

Using that as a starting point I turned it into this, in Pixelmator Pro:

Modified image-- started in ChatGPT, edited by me in Pixelmator Pro
Modified by me in Pixelmator Pro

This is so much fun it is difficult to stop! Here are some other images that ChatGPT made for me (I asked it to make me ten images, set at different times of day). All I had to do was ask.

Animated GIF of Central Texas landscapes, courtesy of ChatGPT 4
More Central Texas landscape pictures, courtesy of ChatGPT

I encourage you to try asking ChatGPT to make you some images. I think you’ll have a ball.

More ChatGPT Tutorials by Christian Boyce

Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.

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Christian Boyce

Christian Boyce is a Mac and iPhone expert with over 30 years' experience in the field. His specialty is teaching people how to get more out of their Macs and iPhones using the software and apps already installed. He is the author of several books, a guest speaker for Mac and iPhone user groups worldwide, and a former rocket scientist. He splits time between homes in Santa Monica, California and Round Rock, Texas.

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