Use ChatGPT for Easy Vacation Planning (Desktop and Laptop version)

Updated July 4th, 2024.

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ChatGPT is incredibly useful for vacation planning. Read on as ChatGPT helps me plan a three-day weekend in Santa Barbara, offering suggestions for hotels, restaurants, and attractions– all tailored to my liking.

Note: the screenshots here are from the free ChatGPT Mac app, available from for Apple Silicon Macs running macOS 14 or higher. (Get the app by clicking on your image or initials at top right of the screen, when you’re signed into your ChatGPT account in a web browser.) You don’t need the app– you can do all of this in a browser at— but it’s a little prettier to use the app. You can also use the official ChatGPT app on your iPhone or iPad– here’s the link to the right one.

All of the following can be done for free.

Trip to Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, California
Santa Barbara, California

Who wouldn’t want to visit Santa Barbara? Here’s how I used ChatGPT to help me plan my trip.

ChatGPT window
The start of my chat about planning a long weekend in Santa Barbara

Here’s ChatGPT’s response:

Part 1 of ChatGPT's response to my request for a weekend getaway
A list of hotels and restaurants…
Part 2 of ChatGPT's response to my request for a weekend getaway
… more restaurants, and some places to visit…
Part 3 of ChatGPT's response to my request for a weekend getaway
… and a suggested itinerary. How nice!

ChatGPT did a great job of this, and it did it in seconds. One small problem: ChatGPT didn’t anticipate that I would want contact information for every place suggested. So I asked for contact info. And I got it!

Asking for contact information
Asking ChatGPT for contact information

Notice that I don’t ask my original question again, with the contact info modification added. I just asked for something more, as I would of a person. There’s a reason they call it ChatGPT.

Here’s what came back:

ChatGPT response, with contact information for the hotels
Now with contact information for the hotels…
ChatGPT response showing contact information for the restaurants
…and contact information for the restaurants…
ChatGPT response, with contact information for the Places to Visit
… contact information for the Places to Visit.

Imagine trying to get that information via Google searches. You’d be at it all day.

Same thing, for Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach, California

I had the idea that maybe I should go South, to Laguna Beach. So I asked for a similar itinerary, with Laguna Beach as the destination. ChatGPT came through with flying colors. Notice that ChatGPT remembered that I like contact information.

ChatGPT response to me asking for the same kind of trip but to a different city.
Laguna Beach hotels…
ChatGPT response to me asking for the same kind of trip but to a different city.
… and restaurants…
ChatGPT response to me asking for the same kind of trip but to a different city.
… and an itinerary.

Again, all of that was done in seconds. And all I did was ask “Could you give me a similar itinerary for a trip to Laguna Beach?

Finally I thought, “Let’s get some new ideas. Santa Barbara is always great, Laguna Beach is nice too, but maybe I’m overlooking something.” So I asked ChatGPT for suggestions.

ChatGPT's suggestions for long weekend trips
ChatGPT”s suggestions for other places to visit (Part 1)
ChatGPT’s suggestions for other places to visit (Part 2)

How cool is that! Great ideas, and if I picked any one of them ChatGPT would prepare an itinerary for me in an instant.

What a time-saver. Give ChatGPT a try when planning your next vacation. It’s fantastic.

More ChatGPT Tutorials by Christian Boyce

Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.

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Christian Boyce

Christian Boyce is a Mac and iPhone expert with over 30 years' experience in the field. His specialty is teaching people how to get more out of their Macs and iPhones using the software and apps already installed. He is the author of several books, a guest speaker for Mac and iPhone user groups worldwide, and a former rocket scientist. He splits time between homes in Santa Monica, California and Round Rock, Texas.

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