Updated February 8th, 2021.
I offered weekly Mac and iPhone classes for two months during the early days of our COVID-19 lockdown. I recorded the classes and you can play them back at your convenience. Get the handouts (links are provided) so you can follow along.
If you’re going to watch all of them start at the bottom. The oldest ones are down there and the newest ones are at the top.

Mac Photos, Part Two: Editing
June 18th, 2020. Handout link.
Files link (download these files and add to your Photos app so you can work along with me in the video). Not sure how to get these photos into your Photos app? Watch Mac Photos, Part One.
iPhone Photos, Part Two: Editing
June 16th, 2020. Handout link.
Files link (download these files and add to your Photos app so you can work along with me in the video). Not sure how to get these photos into your Photos app? Watch iPhone Photos, Part One.
Mac Photos, Part One: Viewing, Organizing, Finding, Sharing
June 11th, 2020. Handout link.
iPhone Photos, Part One: Viewing, Organizing, Finding, Sharing
June 9th, 2020. Handout link.
Mac Tips: The People’s Choice!
June 4th, 2020. Handout link.
Siri Super-Tips!
June 2nd, 2020. Handout link.
Excel vs. Numbers Showdown!
May 28th, 2020. Handout link.

Son of iPhone Super-Tips
Word vs. Pages Word Processor Showdown
May 21st, 2020. Handout link.
iPhone Super-Tips
May 19th, 2020. Handout link.
Preview’s Hidden Powers
May 14th, 2020. Handout link.
iPhone Settings Tips
May 12th, 2020. Handout link.
Safari Tips for Mac Users
May 7th, 2020. Handout link.
Safari Tips for iPhone Users
May 5th, 2020. Handout link.
Mail Tips for Mac Users
April 30th, 2020. Handout link.
Mail Tips for iPhone Users
April 28th, 2020. Handout link.
Power Tools for Mac Users
April 23rd, 2020. Handout link.
Copyright 2008-2023 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.