World Cup Soccer Calendar for iPhone, Mac, and iPad

Updated July 20th, 2023.

UPDATE Tuesday, July 18th, 2023: I have the 2023 Women’s World Cup calendar for you.

UPDATE Thursday, August 11th, 2022: It’s official: the opening game of the 2022 World Cup is now Qatar-Ecuador, at 11:00 AM Eastern time (7:00 PM local Qatar time)– on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20th, 2022. The game between Senegal and the Netherlands, previously scheduled for Monday, 5:00 AM Eastern time (1:00 PM local Qatar time) has been moved to Monday, 11:00 AM Eastern time (the slot that Qatar-Ecuador vacated). There are no other changes to the schedule at this time. The calendar provided via this web page is up to date with these two changes.

Here’s the World Cup 2022 calendar for your iPhone, Mac, and iPad. It’s in “ics” format so when you click this link you’ll be able to add it to your standard Calendar app (on any of those devices) with just a tap or two. You’ll be “subscribing” which means you’ll get updates automatically, as the tournament progresses.

Note: this also works for PC and Android users.

Set it to refresh once per day– not so important now, but when we get to the knockout round it will be nice to have the country names rather than “1A vs. 2B.”

This calendar is its own thing– it doesn’t put events into your regular home or work calendars. It lives in your Calendar app (or your Google calendar) but it’s a separate item that you can turn off with a simple uncheck-of-the-box. (If I were you, I’d just let it sit there, because four years from now I’ll update it again and you’ll have the game schedule without doing anything at all.)

Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.

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Christian Boyce

Christian Boyce is a Mac and iPhone expert with over 30 years' experience in the field. His specialty is teaching people how to get more out of their Macs and iPhones using the software and apps already installed. He is the author of several books, a guest speaker for Mac and iPhone user groups worldwide, and a former rocket scientist. He splits time between homes in Santa Monica, California and Round Rock, Texas.

5 thoughts on “World Cup Soccer Calendar for iPhone, Mac, and iPad

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    1. That game’s in the past, sorry for the mistake. I have gone through all of the games and double-checked with and I think I’ve got everything right for the rest of the games. Thanks for pointing this out.

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