Updated April 13th, 2020.
UPDATE: the speech is over. Apple now has a page telling about what they showed in the keynote presentation, as well as a recording of the speech, and you can watch the whole thing at your leisure, starting and stopping as you wish. You’ll need about 2 hours and 15 minutes to watch it straight through. Fun Stuff: listen at 1:42 for the collective gasp from the crowd when they learn the new Apple monitor’s stand costs $999. I gasped too. Wow.
Apple’s 2019 World Wide Developers’ Conference starts Monday, June 3rd, with a keynote speech at 10 AM Pacific time. You can watch it on your iPhone, on your iPad, on your Mac, or via Apple TV. You can watch it with me at the Christian Boyce Center for Advanced Macintosh and iPhone Studies in Santa Monica if you RSVP (so I can get enough coffee and donuts).
Any modern iPhone, iPad or Mac should be able to handle the stream. Just go to apple.com at 10 AM Pacific time and look for a link. With an Apple TV, use the Apple Events app. If you can’t watch it live, visit Apple’s site (or the Apple Events app on your Apple TV) later in the day. Apple typically records these events and makes them available online within hours.
Here’s Apple’s “Apple Events” page on their site. You can watch some oldies-but-goodies there.
What to expect
Remember, WWDC is for developers. (“Developers” translates to “programmers,” in case you didn’t know.) Developers go to WWDC to learn about upcoming Apple technologies, both hardware and software, so that they can make apps that take advantage of them. That’s the point of the conference. Apple justifiably gears its keynote speech toward demonstrating these new technologies rather than toward new products that you and I might buy.
Apple will definitely show new versions of iOS and macOS, and possibly new versions of watchOS and tvOS. The keynote speech is a developer’s first chance to see these things. Ours too. Your next iPhone will come with the iOS that Apple shows in the keynote, and your current iPhone will probably update to this iOS, so watching the keynote is like looking into the future.
It’s a safe bet that Apple will show developers how to convert iPhone apps into Mac apps, possibly with a single (amazing) click. Glossary entry: the technology that makes this possible is code-named “Marzipan.” Drop that into your conversation at the next office party and sound smarter than everyone else.
It’s also a safe bet that the next version of macOS will be named after some natural feature of our beautiful state of California. We’ve had Mavericks (surf spot), Yosemite, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave… maybe Monterey? Montara? Coronado? Your guess is as good as mine. Personally I’m pulling for Prairie Creek.
The rumor sites are all reporting that iTunes will be broken into discrete apps for music, podcasts, and movies. It will be interesting to see how this is handled, if it comes to pass.
Possible Surprises
Apple might have some new hardware to show us. Developers love new hardware, and Apple has used the WWDC keynote to introduce a new MacBook Pro model once or twice before. Apple upgraded its top-of-the-line MacBook Pro just last week so I don’t think they’re going to do it again in the keynote. However, the Mac Pro desktop machine is way overdue for a significant update, and with no one saying anything about this at all, it seems like the perfect “one more thing” to drop at the end of the keynote. If it happens that way, you heard it here first. If it doesn’t, expect to find this page edited quickly.
UPDATE: they did indeed introduce a new Mac Pro! I got that one right.
Of course I don’t have a crystal ball, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if I already knew about it, so I’ll be watching the keynote, same as you, to see what Apple has in store. Longshot guesses: Apple creates a new position, the Vice President of Technology Friendliness– and fills it with ME. Also, they announce a flying car, powered by greenhouse gases. And it folds.
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