Updated July 25th, 2024.
I’ll bet you didn’t know you could forward a voicemail message from your iPhone. It’s really easy once you know how.
Sometimes you have a voicemail that you want someone else to listen to. Maybe it’s work-related and you’d rather someone else in your office listen to and handle it. Or maybe it’s from your brother, and since he almost never calls you want to share it with your mother so she can hear his voice. Whatever the reason, all you have to do is…
- tap the voicemail in question
- tap the Share button (square with up-arrow)
- choose your method of sharing (Mail, text message, etc.— same as sharing a photo)
You can even save the message permanently to your Voice Memos app. This could come in handy one day.
See the pictures below.

I chose “Mail” and here’s how it looked:

Pretty cool stuff. Not something you need every day but now that you know about it I’ll bet you’ll come up with reasons to use it.
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.
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I just updated my iPhone to the new OS and now do NOT have a “share” icon on my voicemail
do you have any idea now how to share a voicemail? (so annoying)
Interesting. My iPhone is on 11.0.3 and I see the Share icon near the top right, same as in the picture in this post. Send me a screenshot and let’s have a look.