Updated December 16th, 2015.
I’ve been experimenting with a free iPhone app called “Gorillacam.” It comes from the people who make the GorillaMobile iPhone tripod* but you don’t have to have the tripod to use it. Gorillacam improves upon the standard iPhone Camera app in several ways, including the handy features shown in the picture below:
Of these, I like “Press Anywhere” (lets you take a picture by touching anywhere on the screen– especially handy if you’re taking a picture of yourself at arm’s length), Self-timer (especially handy if you’ve put your iPhone in a GorillaMobile* for taking a picture of yourself from further away than arm’s length), and Grid (especially handy if you’re into the “Rule of Thirds” for composing pleasing pictures– not of yourself this time).
Here’s an example showing the Grid and the Bubble Level (you can turn on more than one feature at a time, depending on which feature you’ve chosen.)
Here’s how it (might have) looked without using the Grid and the Bubble Level. What a difference! Heh.
One feature not shown above is “Digital Zoom.” You can zoom in 4x– and though it’s digital (and not optical), it looks pretty good. Yes, you could just take the picture without the zoom and then “zoom in” in Photoshop… but Photoshop’s a pain, and expensive. This thing’s easy, and free. Zoom in, take the picture, and send it to a friend, without coming home to connect to your computer. Couldn’t be easier than that.
Here are three pictures, the first at regular magnification, the second zoomed half-way, and the third zoomed all the way. They all look pretty good to me. I held the iPhone in the same location for each picture.
Zooming is as easy as dragging a slider to zoom in or out. You’ll get it on the first try.
Gorillacam works with all iPhones, including the original, as long as the iPhone is on version 3.1 or better of the iPhone OS software. Your iPhone ought to be on 3.1 for other reasons, and that’s free too, so there’s really no reason NOT to give Gorillacam a try. There’s more to Gorillacam than I’ve mentioned here, and all of it’s good, so go get it and have some fun. In case you missed it, here’s the link.
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.
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