Updated July 4th, 2019.
It’s the 4th of July, and that means fireworks. Here are some fireworks apps for your iPhone (or iPad) and Mac. Note: in the spirit of Freedom I am only recommending apps that are free.
A fireworks app on your iPhone will help you pass the time as you wait for the sky to get dark enough for the real show to begin. Fireworks Arcade is the iOS fireworks app that I like the best. And it’s free.
Fireworks Arcade is free. You can let the app launch fireworks by itself, or you can tap the screen to set one off. Tap with two fingers to set off two. Drag a finger around and make a lot of sparks. Extra fun: just shake it (but hold on tight)! Includes “Fireworks Games” including a variation of Whack-a-Mole. Fun stuff. Get it at the App Store via this link.
Here it is in action.
Bonus: if your iPhone or iPad is on iOS 10 or later you can send text messages with a fireworks effect! The recipient’s device has to be an iPhone or iPad, and it has to be on iOS 10 or later too. Just write your message, then HOLD the button you normally tap to send (or press it hard– it depends on which iPhone you have). You’ll get options. Tap Screen Effects at the top, and swipe right to left until you see the Fireworks. Then tap the Send button again. Whee!
See my article about how to send screen effects in Messages for more details.
For the Mac I like Musical Fireworks 2, available for free at the Mac App Store.
Musical Fireworks 2 is better without the music, so set the music level to zero and enjoy the sound of the popping fireworks.

Happy 4th of July. Let Freedom ring!
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