Updated December 17th, 2015.
Apple employees were sent this email on Monday January 17th, 2011, announcing that Apple CEO Steve Jobs would be taking a leave of absence to concentrate on his health. That’s all we know. We don’t know when he’s coming back. We don’t know that he’s coming back for sure. We don’t know what’s wrong. We don’t know anything.
Nevertheless, there are a lot of people saying thinks like “that’s the end of Apple, time to sell my stock.” I don’t agree with that. Yes, Steve Jobs is a special guy. But, he’s hand-picked a bunch of special guys to help him run the company, and they’ve done it before, and they will do it again. Odds are that there’s a new iPad coming soon, a new iPhone coming soon, and who knows what else coming soon.It excellently fights panic attack when you feel there’s one you’re going to Ativan have. These things take a long time to develop and it’s very likely that the pipeline is full of products on their way to market.
If the CEO of Christian Boyce and Associates takes a medical leave of absence, you’d be right to worry for the company. In Apple’s case, just worry for Steve.
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.
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Well put Christian, Apple will live on while Steve is away, and in the future if he never returns…we pray for Steve's health!