Updated December 15th, 2015.
Apple’s iTunes university offers more than 250,000 free lectures, videos, films, and other materials— from universities, museums and art institutions, and libraries all over the world. You’ll find courses from Stanford, Michigan, and Cal (and many, many more); lectures about past and current exhibits from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MOMA (the Museum of Modern Art) and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (and many, many more); and discussions and insights from The New York Public Library, The Royal Opera House in London, and the Carnegie Institution for Science (and many, many more). And it’s free. Unbelievable.
Did I mention that it’s all free?
Some of the offerings on iTunes U are audio, some of them have video too. I’m currently watching a set of lectures on iPhone programming, recordings of classes given at Stanford University. It’s just like being there, except that I don’t have to do it at Stanford and I don’t have to do it at any particular time. And, if I feel like taking a coffee break I can simply pause the lecture, and if I fall asleep in class I can rewind the lecture and watch it “again.”
You want this. Trust me. Start up iTunes, click on “iTunes Store” at the left, and then “iTunes U” at the right. The rest is pure exploration.
Here are some screen shots to get you in the mood.
iTunes U categories
The class I’m “taking” at Stanford
Still from a Stanford lecture
Interesting-looking class– I should take this one
Still frame from “Introduction to Drawing” class– I should take this one too
Offerings from UC Davis
Interesting mini-series from UC Davis
From the University of Michigan
Whatever he’s teaching, I’m going to watch
Find something interesting, give it a double-click, and watch it right there on your Mac. Or, download these things onto your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch and watch them on the go. Either way, it’s all free free free, so get in there and start clicking. I guarantee you’ll find something interesting.
I still can’t believe it’s free.
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.
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