I don’t have one yet. Based on what I’ve read, I don’t really need one. The 3G network is nicely fast, when you can get it to work. I’ve read about a lot of people being surprised (disappointed) that 3G doesn’t seem to be in effect in their area even though AT&T’s map says it... Continue Reading →
iPhone 2.0 software
Well, it’s here: the new 2.0 software for the iPhone. It comes installed on the new iPhone 3G, but it can be downloaded for free and installed on ANY iPhone. So I did it. You should too.You get a couple of improvements:1. It’s easier to delete a bunch of emails now.2. Your iPhone now synchronizes... Continue Reading →
NFL Prime-Time calendar
NFL Prime Time Calendar for iPhone and Mac is now avaialble via the link at the top of this blog post.
iPhone 3G musings
Apple has a new iPhone coming out-- here's how I'm going to go about getting mine. Spoiler alert: my nephew might get an early Christmas present.