Updated October 9th, 2019.
Power Support Anti-Glare Film is the best $14.95 you can spend on your iPhone. It does a great job of cutting glare, it protects your iPhone’s screen, it cuts down on fingerprints, and it feels great as you tap and drag. You ought to get some. They come two to a package so find a friend and split the cost. Get the right one: the sizes are just slightly different.
UPDATE: PowerSupport’s name is now “Tru Protection.”
I wrote about Power Support’s anti-glare film in August of 2008, when I was using it on my original iPhone, and I loved it then. When the iPhone 3GS came out I thought I’d give the 3GS’ new “oleophobic” screen a try without using the film, with bad news/good news results. The bad news was the iPhone 3GS’ screen picked up fingerprints like crazy. The good news was they were easy to wipe off, on (for example) a pants leg. The other bad news was the glare on the screen was distracting, and the other other bad news was the screen wasn’t protected from scratching. All that, and it didn’t feel nice to drag my finger across it.
Today, after being every-so-slightly irritated with glare and smudges every time I used my 3GS, I finally applied the Power Support Anti-Glare Film. It’s fabulous, better than I remembered, and I am kicking myself for not doing this sooner. No glare, smudges are a thing of the past, it feels great under my finger, and there’s at least some protection against a scratched screen. Worth the $14.95, and more.
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.
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